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BOKASYONG PILIPINO (literally, Filipino Vocations) is a blogsite that aims to promote vocations among Filipino Catholics, especially the vocations for the priestly and religious life. As such, this simple blogsite will introduce anything about vocations and anything about priestly and religious life. Considering also the married and single life, this blogsite aims also to nourish the life of individuals who are called to be in the married state and blessed singleness. Objectives:

  1. To help the Church promote vocations, especially the priestly and religious vocation, to Filipinos.
  2. To promote not only mere vocations but holy vocations.
  3. To give articles, writings, publications and any related material on vocations.
  4. To help individuals in discerning their vocation.
  5. To promote the different religious orders, congregations, institutes, groups
  6. To create a prayer community for vocations.

The ultimate goal of BOKASYONG PILIPINO is to realize an increase in priestly and religious vocations in the Church especially in these times where statistics show that vocations have already had a great decline in figures.

We pray then for many vocations in the Church as the Lord have commanded us to do so.

Rogate ergo dominum messis ut eiciat operarios in messem suam!

Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he send forth labourers into his harvest! (Matthew 9:38)